Bull Creek Cowboy Church

This Week’s Message: Corner Posts of Discipleship, Part 9

Last Week’s Message: Corner Posts of Discipleship, Part 8


First of all, I want to say thanks for checking out our Bull Creek Cowboy Church website. Our church has a lot to offer for those seeking a church home for the entire family. We, as the church, are a family of faith from all different backgrounds and life experiences united in our belief that Jesus Christ is God’s Messiah, the Son of God.

  • We are sinners saved by grace trying to learn how to become better disciples of the King.
  • We are a group that sees the importance of Scripture and our responsibility to be the Church that Jesus has outlined for us to be according to the Scripture. The Bible is our authority and guide to deeper Christian living as we await Christ’s return.
  • We desire to worship our King together for all He has done for us through His mercy and grace.
  • We believe evangelism is best done as developed through building relationships because we believe each person has intrinsic worth because we, as humans, are all created in God’s Image.

So, please if you are ever in our area swing by and visit with us, worship with us, or serve with us and join us in being simply ‘one beggar telling other beggars where the bread is.’

                                                                                               Until He Returns,

                                                                                               Jeff Jackson, Pastor

Sunday Mornings:

1st Service begins at 8:30 AM

Between Services from 9:40 – 10:20 AM we have Sunday School for all ages!

2nd Service begins at 10:30 AM

Broadcasted Service on Social Media Platforms at 11:00 AM

Wednesday Nights:

Round Pen Bible Study & Worship 6PM

Y A M (Young Adults) 5:45PM in the Conference Room

B3C Youth (7th grade-12th grade) 6PM in the Youth Barn

Trailblazers (Kinder – 6th grade) 6PM in the Children’s Barn

Come Visit Us

"Living for the One who Branded Us…JESUS"