History is an important subject. Looking into our past gives us a sense of identity, and learning from our past helps us navigate the future. We seem to be failing in this area in our present time. You cannot rewrite history, but there is a belief in our society today that thinks you can. We may not agree with the decisions made in history or like the outcomes or narratives that history tells us, but we cannot change them. The only way to do things differently than our past is accept what has been and allow new present decisions to impact a future consequence. To believe otherwise that we can somehow erase history not only exudes arrogance at its core, but also sets up future generations for past failures if there is no access to the actual history to learn from regarding our past.
Truth is a necessity to live by and to have our lives be based on. Our society believes that truth is subjective not objective, therefore, supporting the belief that one can rewrite anything even history itself. When a society gets to a place that one can’t honestly look at the past then that society is heading for disaster. Again we all can see events we disagree with from our past, but there must be a sense of emotional fortitude within us all to be able to look at our what has been so that we may learn from our past to have a better future. I don’t honestly like what humanity did with the Son of God in our past, but as we look to that horrific Friday we see our own need of forgiveness and can now live in the grace of Christ which secures our future. To erase that event would affect our eternal future!