What We Believe


Our desire at Bull Creek Cowboy Church is to remove as many barriers as possible, to reach as many people as we can, in all walks of life for Jesus Christ.


We recognize the Baptist Faith and Message (1963) as our statement of doctrine with the exception of the description of scriptural officers in (VI. THE CHURCH).  We recognize the Pastor and Elders as scriptural officers.

Function of The Church

Jesus Christ is the head of the church; the true source of all that the church is and does, and His glory is to be the objective of every act, function, and motive of the body, both individually and corporately. It is before Him that all other leadership must bow. He communicates his will for the church through His word, the Bible. He gives guidance by means of the specific leading of the Holy Spirit who indwells the heart of each believer. He calls forth leaders for the church to whom He gives responsibility for the oversight of the church body and the shepherding of its members.  The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose its membership and leadership. Persons meeting the membership requirements and making a written request for membership shall constitute the membership. All internal groups created and empowered by the church shall exist to further the purpose of the church. They will be accountable to the church.  As an autonomous local church, this church is not subject to the control of any ecclesiastical body. If any entity this church cooperates with ceases to agree with or support the mission of this church, this church reserves the right to disassociate with that entity.


The church is organized and maintained to fulfill the following Mission Purpose Statement:  The mission of the  Bull Creek Cowboy Church is to reach the lost and unchurched people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide a church home where they can become more like Him.  The church will accomplish this mission by holding to these values:

Simplicity—The church will strive to keep all things it does as simple as possible.

Non-judgmental Approach—The church will foster a non judgmental atmosphere in all it does, accepting people just as they are, just as Christ himself does, but remembering Christ doesn’t leave us where He met us. He takes us where only He can.

Cultural Relevance—This church recognizes the western culture as influential in this area. Therefore, our atmosphere and activities are built around the western culture, so we can reach as many as we can with the Gospel. But this does not mean you have to be of the cowboy culture to be a part of this church community, because when all is said and done, we want you to come as you are.

Practice of Biblical Christianity—The church will practice Biblical Christianity. This will be practiced by the leadership and the congregation., making the Bible the final authority.

Elimination of BarriersOur desire at Bull Creek Cowboy Church is to remove as many barriers as possible, to reach as many people as we can, in all walks of life for Jesus Christ. We want to do this by being invitational, informational, and as loving as we know how to be, to all who are searching for truth.

Empowerment with Accountability—The church will strive to empower as many people as it can to serve Christ through the church and bring out the giftedness in them while holding them accountable for their actions and commitments.

Power of the Gospel—The church believes in the power of the gospel for salvation of souls and healing of body, mind and spirit.

"Living for the One who Branded Us…JESUS"