Accept Jesus Christ

If you’d like to make a decision to follow Christ, then repentance is key. Repentance literally means to change direction and go in the direction of Christ which is why we use the phrase “to follow Him.” Knowing this is more than a mere prayer, but a life decision going in the direction of Christ you might begin your journey with Him by praying a prayer such as the following:

“Holy God, I admit to You and myself that I have not been the person that You created me to be. I have sinned against Your holiness and Your design for my life.  Lord Jesus, I am a sinner who needs Your forgiveness and salvation.  I believe in my whole being that You died for my sins on the cross, were raised from the grave and are alive forever more.  I confess my sins before You today, and I will spend the rest of my life turning away from them and turning to You.  I ask You to come into my life and make me into the person You want me to become.  I place my complete faith and trust in You. Holy Spirit, please guide me by the grace I receive from You according to Your Word now and forevermore. I ask all of this in Jesus’ name.  Amen”

"Living for the One who Branded Us…JESUS"