April 17

            This week for Christians is like our Super Bowl. Everything that is foundational to the Christian faith comes together in this one week in light of Christ’s death on the Cross and His Resurrection. These two significant events have changed the course of history and impacted the lives of millions.

            The Cross of Jesus has turned a symbol of shame, guilt and death made famous by the Roman Empire into a symbol of grace, love and forgiveness made famous in Jesus. The Judge took the punishment for the sins of humanity and offers forgiveness to all who will come and ask for it. Without the cross there is no salvation from sin. Christ has become our Passover Lamb. Jesus did what the rest of us can’t do and could never do!

            The Resurrection of Jesus is the only hope for humanity. When you consider that Jesus has defeated death then we have to ask ourselves what could give humanity greater hope? Jesus is the only “religious” leader that has defeated mankind’s greatest foe and fear and then came back to talk about it. Logically it makes sense that if the Resurrection of Jesus is true then what He offers no one else can come close to offering. The cornerstone of the Christian faith is the fact and reality that Jesus came back to life, and in doing this has inaugurated a new beginning for New Creation.

Good Friday is a somber moment remembering the suffering the Lord did for us, but hope has come in the dawning of a new age in the Resurrection of Jesus. Just like in the Wizard of Oz when the Wicked Witch of the West died there was a celebration, that should be our attitude on Easter. Death has been defeated and a new life has been offered in Christ.

John 14:19

Because I live, you will live too.

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