This past Sunday we did the drive-in church thing, and it was a lot of fun!!! People got to be together even when we can’t get together. It was good to see friendly faces sitting in their car wanting to be a community of faith again.
This brings up a very important topic to discuss, which is, “Why are we so inclined for community?” Now of course, there will be a few hermits, and I can even be one of those myself at times, but in reality, all of us long for a sense of community. I believe there are a few reasons as to why. 1.) We were created in the image of God who is a Being in community within Himself. I know at first reading this may sound confusing, but God is three Persons in One Being: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We can discuss this truth at some future point, but if God is a Being in community within Himself, it makes sense that those created in His Image and Likeness long for community. 2.) We all want a place to belong. As humans, just like flowers, we all need roots to grow, and community allows for this. We need a place to be and become settled within so that growth can take place. 3.) It also allows the human heart to have accountability. Any of us can justify our actions when we are both judge and jury of our own lives. The Bible says our heart is desperately wicked, and it is for this reason we need to have an objective counterpart in our life to help point out areas we cannot see. We all have a shadow self, and without proper accountability, we can begin to live in the shadows. Community is an important part of being human so thank God for it when you get the chance to gather again.