This week is what is known as Holy Week or Passion Week. It is the last week in the life of Christ before His Death, Burial, and Resurrection. It is what we believers would say is the most important week in human history because during this week we see love at its finest, evil at its darkest, and victory over the enemy of death at its greatest.
On what is known as Good Friday (good for us, but terrible for Jesus) the most innocent, sinless, pure person who has ever lived offered Himself as a sacrifice to satisfy ultimate justice and also a ransom to the powers of darkness for the rest of us to be set free. At the cross, both mercy and grace merge. Mercy, in that, none of us have to receive that which we do deserve, and Grace, in that, we can receive that which we don’t deserve. Our sin debt was addressed and Christ paid it in full. Then, not only did Christ die for us, but on the 3rd day Christ lived for us again. He came back to life to usher in God’s New World that doesn’t come by force or hype, but comes through the individual transformation of those who follow Him in self-giving love. Christ presently lives in the hearts of His true followers and will one day come again to fully consummate the change that His resurrection accomplished and began. I encourage any skeptic to challenge the evidence of history because there is full support of Christ’s resurrection.
Also, on a personal scale, it is because of the resurrection I personally place my faith in Christ because if Christ did indeed come back to life, again see the evidence, then He and only He is qualified to answer the question of what happens when we die. No other religious leader of history has those credentials if in fact Christ came back to life. Everything hinges on the reality of Christ’s resurrection. It is the corner post of Christian belief in which all other elements of Christian faith depend.
As C.S. Lewis once wrote, “If Christianity is true then it is of immanent and infinite importance, if it is not true, then of no importance at all, but the one thing it can never be is moderately important. Jesus said, “Because I live, you will live too.” John 14: