August 13

When I was young a piece of advice my grandfather gave me was this: Fear God and anything that can eat you! It is why the words “Shark” & “Grizzly” catch and keep my attention today. As a young boy that sounded like pretty sound advice to me, and now as a man it still sounds pretty commonsense. The truth of it is we humans spend a lot of our times trying to figure things out, trying to outwit the next person, make the big bucks, drive the fancy cars or have the dream house, but all in all those things are temporal at best. What is the thing we fear the most in life? For many it is reputation or failure, but we must ask what are we trying to compare ourselves to in the end. We must learn to consider what really matters in life. I have been to both the funerals of those that have money and those that didn’t, and their funeral was the same minus a few flowers I guess.

We must begin to ask ourselves what really matters regarding life. In the book of Ecclesiastes, the wisest man in history, other than Jesus, King Solomon writes the verse below. Basically when all is said and done we are to fear God and keep His commands. Why is this the case? Because God is all that matters in the end. When death comes, and death surely will for all of us, how have we feared God. Now this fear is not the type of ‘scary afraid’ but rather a ‘stand in awe’ type of fear. The greatest way we can fear God today is to place our faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, who is God and became man so that we could become children of God. The only way to escape the judgment of our bad deeds is to find forgiveness in the life and the work of Jesus who stood in the judgment on our behalf.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is: fear God and keep His commands, because this is for all humanity. For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil.

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