Be Authentic

“Do you know Jesus?” Or “Have you found Jesus?”

These type of lead in questions in sharing our faith can be so confusing for folks. Heck, I’m a pastor and much of the Christian jargon that is used is confusing to me because many Christians don’t use Biblical phrases but rather “churchy” phrases. Many folks are simply turned off of this kind of talk.

What Christians need to do more than anything to have an effective witness to the world is to learn to have authentic conversations. Conversations that are real and honest and share the heart. The world has too many fake conversations and sadly many of these take place where truth is celebrated. We must return to allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and share what is on our heart and mind. When we don’t have it all together we mustn’t be afraid to say so because none of us do. We are all a work in progress. As evangelist David Ring used to say, “I’m not okay, and that’s okay.”

As a follower of Jesus I’m simply a work in progress putting one foot down in front of the other. My life is about allowing Jesus to take over my existence and be the Captain. It is about me letting go of control and allowing Christ to not only save me from myself and sins, but allow Him to redeem and transform me into the person He created me to be. This transformation can be messy which sadly many of us aren’t comfortable in talking about. The only way people are going to see what the grace of Jesus can do for a messy life is to reveal the work He is doing in you and me. Pray that these are the conversations that we get to have with people not just simple, short religious phrases that to the majority of the world make absolutely no sense.

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