December 19, 2018

Christmas has become so commercial with everyone often trying to “keep up with the Jones’” it can feel very overwhelming. Trying to do last minute shopping and the hustle and bustle can sure get to us in the end.

            The first Christmas was not without its overwhelming features. Imagine a young virgin girl being told she was going to be with child, not only just any child, but the very Son of God. Talk about overwhelming! I think about things today that the Lord calls me to do, and I feel overwhelmed but nothing like the responsibility of raising God’s child. I think, any of us if we are honest, might not have received the news quite as well as young Mary. Her response was one of obedience and surrender. Where often times my response to God is, “What? Wait a second…I don’t know if…You really mean me?” Whereas in my life I’ve been guilty of balking on God, Mary was guilty in simply believing in God.

            May we this Christmas be reminded that the reason for the season is the reality that God became human to become our Savior, and the vehicle in which He used to accomplish this great task began with a young virgin girl, who said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be done to me according to your word.” (Matthew 1:38) If only our responses to God were more like Mary’s response. We must remember it is a privilege to serve the Lord of the Universe and for Him to choose us to do any task for Him is a grand opportunity.

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