Fix the Root of the Problem


The sadness of the Uvalde event last week prevails into this week regarding the catastrophic display of evil when innocent lives were lost to a senseless act. Many, particularly the politicians who seem to be in the hot seat of responsibility and decision-making, are scrambling to fix a problem that has been a long time coming in our culture. We can’t fix it overnight because the issues leading up to these events weren’t created overnight. Many want to point to this or to that as the issue or the real problem concerning it all, but the fruit of the problem doesn’t address the root of the problem. The root of the problem isn’t guns, knives, sticks or stones, but rather a condition of the heart of America. I’m stunned and shocked that we react the way we do, as these godless acts are happening more and more frequent in America when we, as a nation and as a culture, are moving more and more in the direction of a godless society. If we don’t like the fruits of what we harvest, we might reconsider the seeds we are sowing.

Consider TV in the last fifty years has gone from shows with a moral implication or story to them, such as the Andy Griffith show, to the circus displayed on TV called “Reality” TV. Well, if the clowns displayed on these Reality TV shows are in fact reality, don’t be shocked with the circus sets up. We are so hypocritical as a nation, because we continually feed the dog that is biting us while at the same time saying the problem is that the dog has teeth rather than consider it is the behavior the dog has grown to learn by how it was raised. Common sense must once again become common. If that is to be the case, we must stop calling good, evil, and calling evil, good. I leave you this week with a verse from the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans, “Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.” Romans 12:21 NLT Go plant some seeds of goodness so that in twenty years we as a nation will reap its fruit.

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