It’s a frustrating time in America. Yesterday was inauguration day where a new administration assumed the position of power. It is a worried time for many as we hear unity but actions speak of division. Furthermore, our worries are justified with all the preaching that has been done pushing a more socialistic agenda. So what do we do?
Well, we do what we should be doing all along, and that is lifting this man, who is now our president, and his administration up in prayer more than ever. Praying for strength, courage, and wisdom for him to make right decisions not for a party but under God. I admit I am sad a bit because I, a conservative, do not personally support most of what Biden stands for or his party so my heart is troubled at what the future holds. But I am reminded of the words of Jesus when he said, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world.” I stand on the assurances that whoever is in the White House, whether conservative or liberal, they are not my final hope.
Where do we go from here? Make no man but Christ your hope and assurance, and stand firm for a Kingdom that is eternal. At some point sadly, America will fall, all the great Empires of the past have, but God’s Kingdom will never fail or fall. Jesus said again, “Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My words shall never pass away.” And for that I am grateful!!