January 23, 2019

Have you thought about how good we have it to be Christians in America? Yes, we may experience push back here and there and be antagonized for our faith, but nothing like many in other countries. Even with how our cultural horizon has changed over the last few years, we still have it so good and many of us as Christians have failed to appreciate this fact.

            How many churches have split over silly things such as the color of the carpet or people gripe about how long they have to sit in church? Or who gets recognized for what? Its all meaningless because there is only one reason to go to church and that is for Jesus. When compared to the early church where they were getting beheaded, burned at the stake or thrown to lions in the colosseum we have it so good. This past Sunday, we at Bull Creek Cowboy Church watched the movie, Paul, the Apostle of Christ, and it is so impactful as it takes you back to the life of Paul and even Luke and the conditions they were in to spread the Gospel. Christianity is a dangerous faith because it shouts truth and love in the face of evil. If you are a believer don’t wear your feelings on your sleeve, but rather let the fire of faith burn within your hearts to share the love of God to all people no matter how good or bad we have it.

Romans 12:21 – Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

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