This past weekend I gave a talk on the difference between Pharisee and Follower. Sadly, many Christians look more like the ancient Pharisees than the early Followers. This is a sad thing because many are getting the wrong idea of Christianity.
As a believer we must pause to consider what reflection of Christianity we are putting out into the world. We need to make sure it is an authentic reflection of Jesus. I want to mention one of the characteristics we must be aware of that reflect the Pharisees: Religious folk like works, true believers cling to the grace of God.
We often preach grace in church but many actuality live works. I remember as a child in Sunday School getting a little white envelope that gave me a grade as to how I did this week in being a “Good Christian.” It would give me a percentage if I read my Bible, prayed, shared my faith and gave a tithe which confused me because the preacher preached grace, but practically speaking it was works based everywhere else. As a believer, I know I am not enough and will never be enough. There is no good in me apart from my Creator’s goodness as I bare His image. If God were to ask me why should I let you into my Heaven, it would be for no other reason than Jesus paid the price, and God has bestowed grace on a sinner. It would not be on how many times I’ve read the Bible, prayed, shared my faith, etc. These are all wonderful endeavors for the believers, but they can’t be graded because I live now under the grace of Jesus.
There are times I speak without thinking and I get my opinion the same time everyone else does. The story about the white envelope reminded me of similar situation. The Baptist seem to keep a lot of records, I guess so they can quantify their boasting. Anyway I handed my envelope to Class Secretary without fill in my “works” numbers. He was asking other members who failed to complete the numbers portion the typical questions then got around to me. He asked: How many people did you invite to church? Did you read the lesson? How many times did you read your Bible. I don’t remember my answers to those questions because I saw little value in keeping tally and was frankly a bit irritated that they saw this as important. I do remember the final question and response. He asked, “How many people did you witness to?” to which I answered, in a not so sweet tone of voice, “Everyone I came in contact with.” I was shocked at my answer, but knew that it was very true, and I’ve tried to keep that thought ever present.
I am so thankful to have found a church and a pastor who believes in the Bible as God’s inspired Word and strips away the religion to keep it from hindering the relationship. I’ve hungered for exactly that.
Thank you