Our country has lost her mind. Anymore, we celebrate sin and accept it as the norm from abortions to sexuality to gender confusion to reckless violence on the street, etc etc etc. Just this week the House of Representatives voted to remove gender specific pronouns for fear they are offensive. Just this week four lives were lost to a senseless attack on the Capital. We have hypocritical politicians pointing their fingers in full dramatic style at how wrong the attack on the Capital was yesterday (and it was wrong), but not coming out and condemning all the senseless destruction through “peaceful riots” this past summer in the likes of Portland and Seattle and elsewhere. This isn’t the America we know or want to live in, but it is the present reality of America.
We as a country are caving to feelings and a level of idiocy I haven’t seen the likes of before. We vote for people not based on qualification to the office they seek to hold, but rather on skin color, gender or what is new, different or “progressive,” whatever that means anymore. We say the majority should rule, but I don’t trust the majority anymore. The majority of our country couldn’t find their way out of a lighted house with the instructions in from of them, and I’m referring to both sides of the aisle. Many in our country don’t have a clue where their food comes from beyond the local market. The division between urban and rural America may have never been deeper.
Truth and logic have become artifacts of the past lost in some museum. Patriotism has become a target to be patronized. We jump to conclusions based on our feelings and neglect what used to be held as important, the evidence. Political leaders are so codependent looking for their constituents approval that they are as stable as a wet newspaper in a wind storm. We rant and rave on social media without due process of thinking before we type or text because we know no one will hold us accountable. We measure everything as right or left and forget there is an up and a down. What kind of country have we created? Until we return to truth and foundational values of life then I fear this is only the beginning of a dark day in American history. As the old hymn says, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name. On Christ solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.”
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV