July 27

It has been my experience that there are two basic reasons in which people make changes in their lives: 1. Truth & 2. Tragedy. Let’s begin with the first. Truth is our greatest protection in life, mainly from ourselves. We are so easily tempted into different delusions in which we buy into because most in today’s society has bought into an understanding, which is false, that truth is whatever in the end I want it to be. Truth in actuality is how reality works which is independent of my wants and wishes as a person because I cannot, nor can anyone else, control reality except for God. The second thing that promotes change sadly is the one that most of us know…tragedy. This actually is the major cause for a person to produce change in their lives. This could be from heart attack, a bankruptcy, divorce, or a death, and many more examples could be given, that promote people to change. And it is in this condition in which people begin to ask questions regarding their lives involving the idea of what is true about life.

It is much better to come to the first, first, rather than having to go through the second to get to the first. But what makes so many of us have to experience tragedy first is the hardness of our hearts. Tragedy reminds us that life is beyond our control, and that reality has a voice too which when it speaks is not always what we want to hear. This is why Jesus, who is the voice of truth, calls us to Himself to avoid the wake-up call of tragedy, but also be the comforting voice of truth when tragedy strikes.

Revelation 3:20 – …Anyone who hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me.

Christ wants to have fellowship with us to speak truth into our lives, even amidst tragedy, because He loves us.

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