Do you struggle with prayer? Many of us do, and if you do you are not alone. Recently at our church, I’ve begun a series on the Model Prayer, often called the Lord’s prayer, in which we are attempting to answer common questions around prayer. One of those questions that we’ve asked is “Do you pray?” There are many other questions to ask regarding prayer, but this first one is obvious. Why? Because so many of us fail to pray in our lives.
We all need prayer and all need to pray. Jesus taught that our prayers are not about length or performance, but about honesty, humility, and our deep needs such as forgiveness, provision and protection. As believers prayer should be the safest of all places in our lives because we can share our hearts openly with God and be the most vulnerable. There is nothing we need to hide from God because 1) He already knows our needs before we ask Him, and 2) He loves us unconditionally. Unconditional love can only come from God because He is the only One who knows all our conditions. He invites us to share our hearts with Him because He loves to hear from His children. No, we aren’t informing God of anything when we pray, but rather we should be enjoying Him which is where true happiness is. This is why He wants us to have fellowship with Him in our prayers. My encouragement today is quit worrying about how well you pray, or if you sound as good as the next person praying, and just pray openly, honestly, and with humility. Open your heart to the Lord, and He will meet you wherever you are.