Recently, my family and I traveled to our sister church of Bull Creek in Kaycee, Wyoming, Kaycee Community Cowboy Church. We have established great friendships there over the last few years in which we have come to love the people, the country side, and the weather (especially in the summertime). As we were doing our different things and having our conversations, it is hard to miss that people are people wherever one travels. There is a unique beauty of familiarity in this. We may express ourselves in different ways, traditions and personalities, often called culture, but the heartbeat of our needs are still the same.
In a world that often points out peoples differences and judging them for it, I think we must stop and consider how much alike we are. We all need the basics: food, clothing, shelter, etc., but more importantly the common bond of all people is a need for God, an object (or rather Person) of direction, meaning, and purpose. In Jesus, the reality of God becoming a human, God has given us the basic need of all, relationship with Him. Many are searching for the right relationship in this person or that person, or purpose in this career or that one, but ultimately we weren’t made for other humans or jobs, but rather for God Himself. No one can validate or invalidate you except the truth of who God says we are according to Scripture.
Our basic need is that we all need forgiveness and a sense of who we are. Jesus is the great Forgiver and “Do-over” where we can all punch the reset button on life. No longer trying to do it ourselves, but doing life with the One who created life itself. With Him life sure runs a whole lot smoother. Invite Him into your life and start building a relationship, not religion, with Him today.