These past couple of weeks it has been pretty to see the leaves change. To see the leaves change colors and later fall from the tree is a sign of change. Change to colder weather and that Mr. Winter is on the way. Everything has its time and place, but not forever because everything changes. The only thing that doesn’t change is everything changes.
With this in mind we are the same way in our lives. We have a time and place in God’s history, but not forever on our timeline. There have been millions before us and could, if the Lord doesn’t return, be millions more after us. We are here for a season, and then the season will pass. We often make plans as if what we have will be forever, but it simply will not. The property you own has been owned before by someone not in your family, and most likely will not always be owned by your family in the future. Also, our influence fades that we may have gained over time. To think about who was the most influential in the 13th century A.D. we may have to stop and look it up as will be the case for those regarding our century in the year 2600 A.D.
The point I would make is that we are often invested in the things that are temporary and not eternal. Eternity is a lot bigger thought for us because our minds cannot grasp its entirety. God is inviting us on to His timeline that never fades or runs out, and the leaves there never fall because nothing ever dies there. May we consider our investments into things that will last forever through Him.