October 1

This past Tuesday many were glued to their TV to watch the first presidential debate between the two candidates running for the highest office of the land. An office that should be held in high honor, esteem and respect. This should be an opportunity for the American people to hear the different points of perspectives and policies of two candidates as to clarify who they may cast their vote for come November. Sadly, what we saw was a lot of emotion, and not a lot of evidence. It seemed more like the environment of a WCW wrestling match than two people running for President.  If two candidates debate in such an emotional way, from interrupting to name calling, then what example does that set for our citizens, our young people, but also how does it reveal the facts which is the very point of a debate.

The point I’m making here is that it reveals ultimately the change of climate in our  country regarding the importance of truth. To get to the truth in years past, the art of debate was employed so that inquirers could better understand the many different angles and find out for themselves which position best explains the evidence. Our quest for truth no doubt can cause emotion, but it shouldn’t be based in emotion. Especially for two people wanting the office with the most power they can’t be people who let their emotions rule them, either one. Truth also has a way of identifying itself. What both candidates need to do is reveal their policies and let truth identify itself. This, sadly, doesn’t mean the American people will vote for truth because truth, it doesn’t seem, is a high priority for America anymore. But at least we can see it instead of the fog of emotional smoke and mirrors which often best describes politics and politicians. The truth is both candidates have records. What means more than a war of words is what their records say, and this should give us insight to whom would be the candidate that aligns better with our values and vision for America.

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