September 19, 2018

Have you had to recently walk through a dark time in your life? Maybe it came in the form of a broken relationship, a unwanted diagnosis, a loss of a job or even the death of a loved one. These periods of our lives can be daunting, overwhelming, and so very painful. We wonder where do we turn or who do we turn to for help and companionship through these times.

Many times we need the companionship of a close friend or even a professional counselor, but no matter what we are going through or how dark the valley, there is always God. We may not understand our circumstances, but we can lean on One greater than our circumstances. He has stated many times in Scripture that ‘He will never leave us or abandon us’ (Joshua 1:5; Hebrews 13:5) God is a God of comfort and companionship during our darkest trials. David experienced this when he faced Goliath. He later wrote Psalm 23 that speaks of God being there ‘even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.’ I imagine when he was penning these words he was reflecting how God had accompanied him into the Valley of Elah to slay a giant enemy. Whatever you are facing and no matter how dark the valley, God is there, even when we don’t feel Him, to be our constant companion to lean on during our times of trouble.

Psalm 23:4 NIV – Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

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