As we get closer to the election the more poisonous the conversations will become, as if they weren’t poisonous enough already. Sadly, many Christians will forget their commitment and first allegiance to Christ and will get quickly swept away in these culture wars. No doubt a Christian should maintain a voice within the culture, but he should also maintain Christian character while doing it. Christians should see these times, not as demonizing the other side of our political views, but as an opportunity to discuss and debate for the sake of truth. The art of debate has been something lost as emotions have now taken the place of reason. Christians should have thought out positions rooted in evidence and Scripture.
I’m not a fan of election years because it doesn’t bring about the positive or the best in our society. Now, with the strain of COVID and all the ridiculous rioting, we haven’t set the stage that well for this election year to look very pretty at all. I’m amazed at how Christians can say they read the Word of God, and then land in such vastly different camps of thought. Maybe it’s because we haven’t taught Christians how to read the Bible, but only cherry pick to support their own agendas. Christians must admit, although many won’t, that we have dropped the ball in teaching young believers, and old alike, how to think Christianly. We teach them how to be religious or how to look more denominational but not how to reveal Jesus in times of strife or simply in daily life. Yet, this is exactly what we are called to do as believers, become little Christs to the world. When you survey it all, society is a sad state of affairs, and this is often because the church has lead the way. May we as believers be renewed in our faith to reveal Jesus during these times, always being about the Father’s business, in showing truth and love to our neighbors in need.