The Reality of Absolute Truth

We live in a time of the outlandish. It seems society has turned into a total shock factor for the sake of grabbing attention. Manners and morals have been left and lost in Antique stores of the long distant past while emotional reactiveness from the White House to the doghouse wreaks havoc on the tempest of our day. The Andy Griffith days of TV with a purpose and principle, or moral to the story, have turned into drama shows we call reality TV which many in our country are adapting into their own lives played out on Tik-Tok. Society seems so loud these days and hate and division is everywhere one looks. Can we recover?

We must return to the reality of absolute truth. Truth is not perspective, not feeling, not an agenda, but simply the way reality works independent of ourselves. We must return to logic to help us navigate the way reality works rather than trying to manipulate reality though the emotional and delusional. We must return to a God-centered world and way of thinking instead of a Me-centered society that implodes further with each social media post.Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. 32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” [1]Truth is the key to freedom at any level, and as believers we must remain faithful to the teachings of Christ over and above what the world says is true. If we are ever to reclaim influence as Salt & Light (Mt 5) over our society we must keep the truth of Jesus and His teachings the center of our very existence, otherwise, we are only experiencing a suburb of Hell with more yet to come.

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