Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

Susan Milam

From Marlaina Northcutt: Prayer and Praise to God for Lloyd Turney. Lloyd is a college friend who had a severe stroke in June. He is slowly healing.

From Judy Minsart: Unspoken prayer

From Sherry: Prayers for Dad. Had surgery on Tuesday and had complications. Still in the hospital now at Greenville.

From Karen Wagoner:Prayers for Ashley Hil's baby who needs her eyes to be healed to divine perfection. Doctors say her cataracts are coming back and would require more invasive treatment.

From Judy Jackson: Prayer and praise for Monroe & H.L Lumen. They are brothers and both are in the hospital with pneumonia. H.L is septic. He woke up and a pastor was there from his brothers church and he chose salvation. Praise the Lord!

From Melanie Lemon: Prayer for Misty Harmon, her best friend having health issues.

From Sherry Malone:Please pray for my momma. She was hurting so bad this week she was ready to call an ambulance - she usually won't say anything to anyone when she hurts. Me an Melanie got her into a car and took her to Tyler to a chiropractor. She had quite a few adjustments. She is using a walker right because her leg will just give out and she falls. Please keep her in your prayers for her and the family.

Received: September 16, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Susan Milam

Our daughter Rachel works at BSW in Plano and one of her coworkers in the OR has a wife, Kelly who recently had a stroke and she is a middle aged person. Please pray that God will intervene in her life and heal her of this blight on her health. Give her hope,strength and peace through this trial.

Received: September 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Judy Jackson

Please pray for H. L. Luman & his older brother, Monroe Luman. They both have pneumonia & are in the hospital in Longview. Thank you!

Received: September 10, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Sanders Walker

From Mark Byrd

Unspoken prayer request

Received: September 9, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Susan Milam

From Karin Fetz: Prayer for Paula Fuzzell's sister for the sale of her house in Greenville.

From Paula Fuzzell: Prayer for Jenny for healing and recovery from 3 colon surgeries. Pray also for provision of her needs and her loneliness.

From Matt Turner: Praise and Prayer for Brook who was put on medication for her thyroid. Asking fr Gods will to be done for her.

From Jena Powell; Please pray for her family for comfort and peace as her stepmother passed away.

From Janice Seamands: Prayers for guidance from God for Tim who has cancer. Prayers for salvation for family members. Prayers for God guidance for me in getting help for the studio.

Received: September 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Susan Milam

From Billy England: Pray for Keith Farris for comfort and mercy for the passing of his father Dino Farris.

From Karen Wagoner: Praise to God for her mother Phyllis Von Fange who is home recovering from illness and enjoying life with visits from friends and family. Please pray for continued blessings for her.

From Scotty and Pam: Friend Jan Bradley's brother had a brain hemorrage last week and passed away last night. Please pray comfort, strength and peace for the family. through this difficult time.

From Lucijo: Praises to God who took care of my family and provided a camper for us to rent. Thankyou all for the prayers and help.

From Janice Seamands:Pray for comfort and peace for Tonya's family after her passing away. Her funeral is Tuesday.

Please also pray for protection and strength for my back until surgery.

From Mark Byrd: Prayers for Sarah and Hyrum Grandy who were involved in a car wreck when all 3 children were killed. Please keep Rains ISD and the family in prayer for comfort and strength.

From Brit: Prayers for the Grandy family who had a bad auto crash and 3 children were killed. Pray for comfort and peace.

From Delmar Newsome: Praises and Prayers to God for Sylvia. Progress is being made and therapy at home is starting this week. We appreciate all the pyayers, food, texts,calls and visits from everyone. Prayers please for continued healing and progress in therapy.

Received: September 1, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Susan Milam

Urgent Prayer Request for Sharon Wilhite. Please pray that that any blood clots or vascular issues are healed and any damage they have caused will be healed. She is up in Sulphur Springs at Christus being evaluated after having symptoms of numbness in her lips and word finding difficulty over the past 24 hours. She will be having an MRI today and some other tests for evaluation purposes.

Received: August 26, 2024

Jerry D Milam

Praise & Prayer

Sunday 08/25/2024

1. Pray and Praise for Sylvia Newsom. She is home and doing much better. Has a Dr. Appointment on Monday to determine best therapy needs going forward. She can use prayers, calls and visits. Thank you All for everything you have done. Delmar.

2. Prayer from Pat Humphries for family. Pray for my family unspoken.

3. Prayer from Karen Wagoner for Susan Bell. Pray her white blood count goes up so she can get transplant for healing from leukemia.

4. Prayer from Janice Seamands. Prayers for peace and strength for Tonya & Family. Tonya is in hospice care. Direction for Tim who has cancer. Help for new year at studio. Success for my back surgery 27 Sept 2024.

5. Prayer from Laci Brimer for herself. She’s in need of a camper to rent for a couple of months until she finishes her home.

6. Prayer from Marla Fitts for Kathrine Smith and Steph Trimble. Kathrine Smith is in Greenville hospital with A-Fib. Steph Trimble’s son exam age 9 still recovering from open Heart Surgery.

7. Prayer from Sherry for Central Texas. Fires in Mason County. Her Aunt & Uncle are in the path of a lager fire started by lightning. They have a fire crew in their yard. Prayers they are safe, and their home is spared

Received: August 25, 2024


Please pray for Sylvia Newsom and her family, as she is back in the hospital with some health issues.

Received: August 18, 2024

Susan Milam

From Matt Turner: Prayers of healing and working out recovery needs for Chad Giesler who was in a bad motorcycle wreck.

From Larry and Melanie Lemmons: Prayers for Jack and Becky Staton for comfort.

From Jerry Milam: Prayers for Sharon Wilhite for her total knee replacement surgery tomorrow that the surgery and hospital staff would perform perfectly and her recovery would be as well.

From Mark Byrd: Prayers of healing for his brother John Byrd who was admitted to Greenville with blood clots in his liver.

From Ray Daughety: Prayers of comfort and healing for Jennifer Williams due to her fathers passing.

Prayers of comfort for the family of H.B. Patton as he passed away yesterday.

Prayers needed for Zander Moore who is having difficulty still from his father passing last December.

From Janice Seamands; Prayers for strength and comfort Tonya who was put in hospice Wed and for her family. Also Tim was diagnosed with cancer, prayer for his healing and good medical decisions regarding this diagnosis.

Received: August 18, 2024