Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

Sharon Wilhite

Praise and Prayer

Sunday June 9, 2024

1. Praise: My Dad is doing a lot better. - Matt Turner

2. Prayer for Joe Peters: an RV trailer fell on him. Broken rib, crushed shoulder, and punctured lung. -Unknown

3. Praise: Kathy England healthy and healing! -Billy England

4. Prayer: Ashley Hill (1 month old baby). Prayer for eye surgery successful to remove iris with cataract. Pray for complete healing and strength for parents James and Heather. - unknown

5. Prayer: Please put Norma Smith in prayer she's been placed on hospice for cancer. Please lift her and family up. This is Kathy Smith’s mom. - unknown

6. Prayer: Pray for Janice Seamands to have relief from pain and hives. Care for Andrew and Jackie and Praise: Thank you for all the blessings. - unknown

7. Praise: Steve Legates surgery was successful. Prayer: for Steve's healing. - unknown

8. Prayer: prayers for peace and comfort for Pam Causey's Dad (Joe Trumble). He is having a hard time breathing, on oxygen all the time now. - unknown

Received: June 11, 2024