Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Susan Milam

Praise & Prayer list for 05/26/2024

Prayer from Janice Seamands for Prayer/Direction for sister & niece, prayer for help for the Bagley Family and healing for Tami, Clark and Alice.

Prayer from Janice Seamands for Janice Seamands for Relief from pain and good solutions for back issues. Dr. Apt June 3rd. Pray for Andrew US Navy. Healing for Jeff Hockett who had a foot amputated.

Prayer from Laie Jo: House build keeps getting pushed back. Pray construction starts soon! Pray I am able to get everything finished before school starts next year. Pray I'm able to learn and do as much as I can and when I can't I can find help fast.

Prayer from John Powell: Pray for Family and Friends of Jay Smith Sr., as he passed away 05/25/2024.

Prayer from Karen Wagner: Pray for Paul Wagner and healing to remove hip pain, and to heal foot bones and elbow.

Prayer from Ray Daugherty: Pray for the Kastle Ford and Family. She a friend and lost her Dad on 05/15/2024 and her Mom on 05/22/2024.

Praise from Emma Depew: Pray Cameron MaCallon as he graduated last night. Then got in a bad car accident in front of the school. I don't know how he is, but we need to keep him in our prayers.

Received: May 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Susan Milam

From Bonnie Smith: We leave tomorrow for MD Anderson in Houston for Mike's cancer removal surgery. Pray for safe travel, smooth surgery and God's guiding hand through it all for all the medical staff we encounter and a quick recovery.

Prayers for an uncle with stage 4 lung cancer.

Prayers for comfort and peace for the Katherine Smith Family for her son passed on Monday.

Prayers for Michelle Daniels who hurt her shoulder in a cowgirls challenge. Nothing is broken but need your prayers for a speedy recovery.

From Janice Seamands: Prayer for good results from an MRI on Wednesday and care for Moor family, Thomas family, Penny.

Pray for reducxed cost of medication so I can afford it.

From Marla Fitts: I received this from Sherri Wiggs: "I've been sick all week and in ER on Wednesday and released. Thursday barely made it. Called my doctor on Friday because I felt even worse. They suggested urgent care or ER. Went to urgent care and they told me it had to run its course.My doctor called back and had me come in and found out I had a heart attack sometime betwee Wed and afternoon visit with him on Friday. Please send healing my way. I am feeling a bit better today but still have a sick stomach. Miss ya'all

Received: May 19, 2024