One thought on “July 29, 2018 – 5th Sunday – Question and Answer Service”
Thank you for the question and answer foremat. I believe the Biblical answers you address are the bottom line message to a hundred sermons. It is a rich Bible study streamlined, and stressing how to get through majoring on the minors, which allows us to shed the fluff of controversy in order to move into relationship with a loving God who is not the author of confusion. This was a rich, relevant message for old believers like me, but especially for new believers, allowing them to avoid the quicksand of rabbit trails that lead from empty distractions into illuminating truth.
Thank you for the question and answer foremat. I believe the Biblical answers you address are the bottom line message to a hundred sermons. It is a rich Bible study streamlined, and stressing how to get through majoring on the minors, which allows us to shed the fluff of controversy in order to move into relationship with a loving God who is not the author of confusion. This was a rich, relevant message for old believers like me, but especially for new believers, allowing them to avoid the quicksand of rabbit trails that lead from empty distractions into illuminating truth.