When Jesus came back to life He was
different than He was before. Now, at first thought, we may say that is obvious
because He had now experienced death and come back to life who could be the
same after that? Even in the ancient world they knew dead people didn’t come
back to life. But Jesus was different in modality. He was no longer a human in
the Fallen world where He could be subject to death and decay, but now He was
alive in the Final World of New Creation. The resurrected Jesus is the first
member, or as the Bible calls it, the Firstborn over Creation. Why do I say
Jesus, in His resurrected body, was
not only an earthly man but also a heavenly man as well. He could eat fish like
the rest of His disciples, but now He could transcend locked doors, disappear
from sight, and was not always recognized as before. There was a mystery to
Him. In Jesus the two dimensions, both Heaven and Earth, of God’s creation meet
in Him. This is what He was referring to when He referred to Himself as the
Temple. John 2:14 – “Destroy this sanctuary, and I will raise it up in three
days.” Christ is now the Temple where humanity and God can meet together in
peace, forgiveness and salvation.
In His resurrected body, Jesus was
flesh and blood but His resurrected body was no longer under the curse, the
Fallen World of decay and death as we still are. If the Roman soldiers wanted
to kill Him they could not because He was no longer capable of dying the way He
had three days before. And we must remember, the way Jesus is in His
resurrection, we shall be at our resurrection. No longer under the curse, but
rather a citizen of New Creation.
Now if
Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life
because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the
dead lives in you, then He who raised Christ from the dead will also bring your
mortal bodies to life through His Spirit who lives in you.
This week for Christians is like our
Super Bowl. Everything that is foundational to the Christian faith comes
together in this one week in light of Christ’s death on the Cross and His
Resurrection. These two significant events have changed the course of history
and impacted the lives of millions.
The Cross of Jesus has turned a
symbol of shame, guilt and death made famous by the Roman Empire into a symbol
of grace, love and forgiveness made famous in Jesus. The Judge took the
punishment for the sins of humanity and offers forgiveness to all who will come
and ask for it. Without the cross there is no salvation from sin. Christ has
become our Passover Lamb. Jesus did what the rest of us can’t do and could never
The Resurrection of Jesus is the
only hope for humanity. When you consider that Jesus has defeated death then we
have to ask ourselves what could give humanity greater hope? Jesus is the only
“religious” leader that has defeated mankind’s greatest foe and fear and then came
back to talk about it. Logically it makes sense that if the Resurrection of
Jesus is true then what He offers no one else can come close to offering. The
cornerstone of the Christian faith is the fact and reality that Jesus came back
to life, and in doing this has inaugurated a new beginning for New Creation.
Friday is a somber moment remembering the suffering the Lord did for us, but
hope has come in the dawning of a new age in the Resurrection of Jesus. Just
like in the Wizard of Oz when the Wicked Witch of the West died there was a
celebration, that should be our attitude on Easter. Death has been defeated and
a new life has been offered in Christ.
John 14:19
I live, you will live too.
Do you ever think you get in the way of God’s work? Well,
whether we think it or not, the answer is yes for all of us at times. We all
get in the way of God and what His purposes are for our lives and the work He
is doing around us.
Sunday, April
14th, is what is known as Palm Sunday. It is when Jesus rode into
Jerusalem on a donkey at the beginning of Passover week, and everyone came out
to see the Lord Jesus and placed palm leaves and cloaks on the road as He rode
by. They were crying “Hosanna” and singing His praises. After He rode into
town, He went straight to the Temple complex, and it is then that the famous
event of running folks out of the Temple came to be. Jesus saw the wickedness
of the religious leaders as they distorted the mission of the Temple for their
own personal game. Jesus infamously said after making a whip and running the
people out, “My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it
into a den of thieves.” What was happening was the religious leaders had placed
their agendas over God’s agenda. They were making it about personal gain, and
the Temple was a house of prayer, in other words a place of personal fellowship
with God.
So the
question for us today is when we gather as God’s community, do we gather for
personal fellowship with God among His people, or do we gather, with ourselves
in mind, looking for what we can get verses what we can give? This is an
important question we all must answer, otherwise, we are like the religious
leaders of Jesus day getting in the way of what God wants to with His people.
people are hard to deal with and especially to get along with. It takes a lot
of patient endurance to deal with someone who thinks more highly of themselves
than they should. The truth is we are all arrogant at some level over
something. If we are honest within ourselves we all struggle with thinking too
much of ourselves or our self-importance. Let me first begin with a few
questions for us to ask ourselves:
Am I an
open person?
Do I
get defensive easily?
Can I
take constructive correction?
Are I
willing to listen to advice?
Do I
ever seek out advice from a trusted friend?
Am I a
“know it all” person?
are only a few questions, but important questions that may help us become
introspective enough to see our own arrogance. Arrogance is a sinful spiritual
disease where we try to take over the role of God in our lives. Humility is the
crown of honor and no matter how high we are in the eyes of man, we still find
ourselves below the nature of God.
many of us the reason our lives stay in such constant turmoil with others
around us is reflective of the pride we may struggle with deep within. We all have
to admit that sometime we are simply the problem and the quickest fix to that
is seeking humility and apologizing. Owning our own prideful ways and asking
God and others that we have impacted by our arrogance to forgive us, and then
seek to be under the control of wisdom which is only found in the Lord Himself.
Proverbs 13:10
leads to nothing but strife, but wisdom is gained by those who take advice.
past Sunday we discussed the exclusivity of truth, and the claim that Jesus is
the only way to God. Now many in our culture don’t like the term exclusive
because we are often as a culture guilty of thinking with our feelings and not
with our minds. People love the word tolerance, but then again who wants to be
tolerated? On a side note, we must learn to disagree with civility and learn
the art of debate again in our society.
Pause for a second in regards to religion and
consider any claim regarding truth. We believe that 2 + 2 = 4 is a true
statement for evidential reasons, and any other statement that contradicts this
statement is false. For instance, any other sum regarding that equation would
be false such as the statement that 2 + 2 = 5. The nature of truth is true not
only in every other subject of life, but also when it comes to religion as
well. World religions do not say the same thing, and to those who believe they
do, they are only exposing their ignorance of world religions. They can’t all
be true because of the nature of truth. When two subjects make claims that
contradict each other, they can’t both be true.
by nature is exclusive regardless of the subject, otherwise, we could never
take a true/false test. Truth excludes any statement that is false, and that
which is false excludes any statement that is true. So when Jesus makes the
statement that ‘no one comes to the Father except through Me”, one, He is
making Christianity exclusive, not Christians, and two, He is only being
logical to the nature of truth. If the claims of Jesus are true, in other words
they correlate with reality regarding the evidence of His claims, then any
claim contradicting His claim would be by definition false.
John 14:6 – I am the Way, the Truth, and the
Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
This past weekend I had a birthday, and with
birthdays comes well wishes and being with friends and family. It also makes
one a bit reflective of life and having made another trip around the sun. After
the friends and family leave, the cake is gone, and the laughter has died out,
and you find time by yourself, it makes you think about what is really
important in life. For me I would say the connections I’ve made in life have
had an enormous impact on me. Several friends that I have made from different
parts of the country sent videos congratulating me on another birthday, but the
words they said were so impactful and welcoming. The fact that people who were
once strangers are now such treasured friends that I couldn’t imagine my life
being without is something odd in a way, but yet so wonderful.
Now consider John 15:13 –“No one has greater
love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends.”
To think that God
calls us His friends. We were once strangers to Him because of our rebellion,
but now in Jesus we are called His friends even His children. We are the people
God wants to hang out with and have parties with and celebrate life with. That
is an amazing thought to consider. He treasures us so much that we are not just
acquaintances that He might have coffee with or say hello when He sees us in a
crowd, but we are treasured friends that He will reveal His heart to and even
die in our place. There will be no celebration on earth like there will be in
New Creation when all of God’s friends who have become His family celebrate
salvation forever with Him as the center of the party.
the believer joy is a fruit of the spirit. To know that our sins are forgiven,
our account is cleared, graced bestowed, and hope granted should create an
inner celebration for those who have put their faith in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, as followers of Christ, our perspective of life should be different
than the rest of the world not rooted in the circumstances of life but in the
reality of a loving and forgiving God.
question for us this week: Is your temperament, mood, or attitude towards life
rooted in your circumstances or the reality of God’s love for you? I’ve heard many times the statement, “Well
under the circumstances…” For the Christian one must ask, “Why are you under
the circumstances?” Your reality in Christ is greater than any circumstance
that comes your way in this life. See beyond today through the spectacles of
writing to the Philippian church from a Roman dungeon clearly is not under the
circumstances of his situation where his hope would be minimal and future
dreary. No he is rejoicing at the fact that He knows Christ, he has been
recognized by the world as a spokesman for Christ, and is willing to be
punished and even die as a prisoner for Christ. Paul would tell us that no
matter the circumstances you are in, even if death is inevitable on the
immediate horizon of your future, as a believer you have reason to rejoice in
Jesus. May we as His followers rejoice in God’s love no matter our
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in
the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Psalm 46:10 – Be still, and know that I am
When I was
young my mother used to tell me I had “Ants in my Pants” because I wouldn’t sit
still much as I was always into something. Sadly, we have become an “Ants in
your Pants” society because most of us hate being still. How many people
constantly stay on their phone nowadays? We are a culture of little
busy-bodies! Over time this kind of approach to life is exhausting to our body
and draining to our spirit.
In this
little verse, God is calling us to be still, but why? The answer is to know
that He is God and not ourselves, or some circumstance or interruption in life.
The reason many of us struggle with hearing from God is because our lives are
too loud, too busy with our own self-will that we cannot hear as Elijah did ‘the
still, small voice of God’ (1 Kings 19:11-13). Sitting in silence, allowing our
minds to declutter and detox from the junk of the world is a necessary practice
for spiritual sanity. Biblical meditation is refocusing the mind on God unlike
the Eastern practice where one attempts to empty their mind which is actually logically
impossible. We must learn to recapture the silence and the stillness of life
and let the beauty of God rekindle the fire within our hearts. There is a time
to be busy, but the joy you get out of the busyness of life will be determined
in how connected you are with God in those still moments we create everyday.
week we discussed truth, and I want to continue that discussion this week.
Pontius Pilate ask Jesus in John 18, “What is truth?” This is a question that people
over the generations and throughout the world grapple with even today. Truth is
not mere opinion, perspective, or feelings, but rather a view of God’s reality.
In another words, truth is thinking God’s thoughts after Him. If you are in an
art gallery, the only person who can tell you the intentional purpose of a
painting is the artist who made the painting. In the same way the only One who
has the true monopoly on truth is the Creator Himself.
For truth to exist there must be an
absolute reality independent of mankind’s opinions or feelings. We have as a
society put too much emphasis on opinions and feelings, and not enough on
asking ourselves when God made this or that what did He have in mind. The
trouble is mankind in our “progressive arrogance” are trying to redefine what
the Creator had in mind. Look at our debates we as a society are having. We
question what is male and female, the institution of marriage, and when is a
baby a human. To be so pompous in our intellect as a people, we are grappling
with questions children can answer, but it’s the adults sadly who are
struggling. We have gone from simply being a people within God’s reality to
trying to create our own through virtual reality. Nothing wrong with video
games and such themselves, but I encourage you if you are a parent to not let
your kid’s video games to become their
babysitters. Let your children experience God’s reality out in nature where the
creative juices of the mind can take root for a healthy future, and not
constantly exposed to some artificial illusion. Teach your kids how to think,
not just what think so they can treasure truth the way our Creator designed us.
Abraham Lincoln
many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a
leg doesn’t make it a leg.
What is Truth? (Part 1)
cannot exist without absolute truth. No doubt love is the highest ethic, but
love has no place of validation without truth. To illustrate this I want to
begin with a short exchange within a conversation once told:
Ravi Zacharias, Christian apologist
who speaks around the world, was asked which is more important love or truth,
and he responded truth. The questioner quickly disagreed to state that love is
the most important to which Ravi responded, “Is that true?”
little conversation illustrates that love and truth go together, but without
truth, there can be no understanding of love or anything else in the world.
We see
in our world today, and particularly in our society:
- an erosion of values,
- confusion of identity,
- the extinction of logic and
- the collapse of moral frameworks
- delusional ideologies
- political demagoguery (when a politician or political
groups appeal to popular desires and prejudices rather than using rational
argument) I’ve seen this in both Republicans & Democrats
issues exist because we as a people, society, country and world have lost our
appetite for truth. Feelings have become the barometer in which we measure
values, and critical thinking has become an enemy to many and only a past time
for a few. Today, we are quick to believe lies but slow to investigate truth,
and gossip is a multi-million dollar business from magazines to news reports.
Why is this the case? Because we have left no room for God in our society, our
homes, and ultimately our hearts.
Charles Spurgeon
A lie
can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
Sanctify them by the truth; Your
word is truth. (John 17:17)