Pastor Posts (Page 8)

Pastor Posts (Page 8)

February 15, 2019

Love is a most confusing term these days because what many call “love” isn’t love at all. So today to get a better understanding of what love actually is I will let the Apostle Paul speak for himself. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 HOLMAN If I speak human or angelic languages but do not have love, I am a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I…

February 6, 2019

Last night the President of the United States spoke to the nation in his yearly State of the Union address. There were many hot button topics that he addressed from the economy, new creation of jobs, to the much contested border wall, and the issue of abortion. Recently, the state of New York has passed legislation that allows for trimester abortions up to the day of birth. Also recently, the Virginia governor, who is also a medical doctor, stated on…

January 30, 2019

Every day we are faced with choices to make. Some of us like making decisions and some of us run from making decisions in our lives. We are faced with choices in how we are going to spend our time, money, educational goals, etc. that one day will make up the sum of our life. One day all of us will look back and see what kind of life we lived based on the culmination of choices we made throughout…

January 23, 2019

Have you thought about how good we have it to be Christians in America? Yes, we may experience push back here and there and be antagonized for our faith, but nothing like many in other countries. Even with how our cultural horizon has changed over the last few years, we still have it so good and many of us as Christians have failed to appreciate this fact.             How many churches have split over silly things such as the color…

December 26, 2018

            On December 26th, 1987, at 2 a.m. in the morning a dear family friend passed away, Thomas Benjamin Cobb. He was like a grandfather to me. He was an enormous jokester and loved to play games. That year he fought colon cancer, and it finally landed its final blow to his life the morning after Christmas. I remember at my young age the mixed feelings of losing someone for the first time, while also have the feelings of cheer…

December 19, 2018

Christmas has become so commercial with everyone often trying to “keep up with the Jones’” it can feel very overwhelming. Trying to do last minute shopping and the hustle and bustle can sure get to us in the end.             The first Christmas was not without its overwhelming features. Imagine a young virgin girl being told she was going to be with child, not only just any child, but the very Son of God. Talk about overwhelming! I think about…

December 12, 2018

Recently, over the Thanksgiving holidays my family and I took a trip to Junction, Texas where we celebrated Thanksgiving. My wife and I hunted while my parents stayed around the cabin. It was a great time of refreshment and fun. Our phones wouldn’t work, a blessing indeed, and there was no TV, and it was a time of detoxing from the busyness of life. The week after we came back, after experiencing this technological detox, I realized how much day…

December 5, 2018

This past Friday night the 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush, took his final breath of life a little after 10 p.m. in Houston, Texas. I saw an interview over the weekend with the President’s longtime friend and tennis partner James Baker who served in many prominent positions of government, including his Secretary of State, that when he stopped by to visit the President on Friday morning, Mr. Bush said, “Hey, Bake, where we going today?”. Mr.…

November 28, 2018

The other day I referred in a talk which I was giving that the mission of the Christian is to stop evil with love through the gateway of forgiveness. I tried to make the point using the illustration of dominoes lined up in a row, and that when tipped over each domino takes out the next innocent one next to it not the domino that initiated the fall. We as sinful people often do the very same thing. When someone…

November 21, 2018

Here are some questions to ask yourself this Thanksgiving holiday: Are you grateful? Would others see you as a grateful person? What makes you grateful in your life? What keeps you from being more grateful in your life? Does gratitude impact your happiness?             Each one of us has so many reasons to be thankful not just for this holiday but for everyday of our lives. I realize I take so much for granted in my own life, and it’s…