Prayer Wall

Prayer Wall

Jerry D Milam

Praise & Prayer

Sunday 08/25/2024

1. Pray and Praise for Sylvia Newsom. She is home and doing much better. Has a Dr. Appointment on Monday to determine best therapy needs going forward. She can use prayers, calls and visits. Thank you All for everything you have done. Delmar.

2. Prayer from Pat Humphries for family. Pray for my family unspoken.

3. Prayer from Karen Wagoner for Susan Bell. Pray her white blood count goes up so she can get transplant for healing from leukemia.

4. Prayer from Janice Seamands. Prayers for peace and strength for Tonya & Family. Tonya is in hospice care. Direction for Tim who has cancer. Help for new year at studio. Success for my back surgery 27 Sept 2024.

5. Prayer from Laci Brimer for herself. She’s in need of a camper to rent for a couple of months until she finishes her home.

6. Prayer from Marla Fitts for Kathrine Smith and Steph Trimble. Kathrine Smith is in Greenville hospital with A-Fib. Steph Trimble’s son exam age 9 still recovering from open Heart Surgery.

7. Prayer from Sherry for Central Texas. Fires in Mason County. Her Aunt & Uncle are in the path of a lager fire started by lightning. They have a fire crew in their yard. Prayers they are safe, and their home is spared

Received: August 25, 2024